Results for 'Akash R. Wasil'

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  1.  14
    Commonly Reported Problems and Coping Strategies During the COVID-19 Crisis: A Survey of Graduate and Professional Students.Akash R. Wasil, Rose E. Franzen, Sarah Gillespie, Joshua S. Steinberg, Tanvi Malhotra & Robert J. DeRubeis - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThe COVID-19 crisis has introduced a variety of stressors, while simultaneously decreasing the availability of strategies to cope with stress. In this context, it could be useful to understand issues that people find most concerning and ways in which they cope with stress. In this study, we explored these questions with a sample of graduate and professional students.MethodUsing open-ended assessments, we asked participants to identify their biggest challenge or concern, their most effective way of handling stress, and their most common (...)
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    Promoting Graduate Student Mental Health During COVID-19: Acceptability, Feasibility, and Perceived Utility of an Online Single-Session Intervention.Akash R. Wasil, Madison E. Taylor, Rose E. Franzen, Joshua S. Steinberg & Robert J. DeRubeis - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 outbreak has simultaneously increased the need for mental health services and decreased their availability. Brief online self-help interventions that can be completed in a single session could be especially helpful in improving access to care during the crisis. However, little is known about the uptake, acceptability, and perceived utility of these interventions outside of clinical trials in which participants are compensated. Here, we describe the development, deployment, acceptability ratings, and pre–post effects of a single-session intervention, the Common Elements (...)
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  3. The Mathematical Basis of Creation in Hinduism.Mukundan P. R. - 2022 - In The Modi-God Dialogues: Spirituality for a New World Order. New Delhi: Akansha Publishing House. pp. 6-14.
    The Upanishads reveal that in the beginning, nothing existed: “This was but non-existence in the beginning. That became existence. That became ready to be manifest”. (Chandogya Upanishad 3.15.1) The creation began from this state of non-existence or nonduality, a state comparable to (0). One can add any number of zeros to (0), but there will be nothing except a big (0) because (0) is a neutral number. If we take (0) as Nirguna Brahman (God without any form and attributes), then (...)
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    The intelligence of the cosmos: Why are we here?: New answers from the frontiers of science.Ervin Laszlo (ed.) - 2017 - Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions.
    From the cutting edge of science and living spirituality: a guide to understanding our identity and purpose in the world • Outlines the new understanding of matter and mind coming to light at the cutting edge of physics and consciousness research • Explains how we can evolve consciously, become connected with each other, and flourish on this planet • Includes contributions from Maria Sagi, Kingsley L. Dennis, Emanuel Kuntzelman, Dawna Jones, Shamik Desai, Garry Jacobs, and John R. Audette For the (...)
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    Crystallographic and morphological characteristics of explosively compacted copper under various detonation velocities.Akash Deep Sharma, A. K. Sharma & Nagesh Thakur - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (16):2108-2116.
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    Wybory samorządowe w Norwegii. Przykład obywatelskości w ugruntowanej demokracji lokalnej.Katarzyna A. Kuć-Czajkowska & Justyna Wasil - 2021 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 27:183-215.
    The main aim of this paper is to present the issues concerning local elections in Norway. The following timeframe was adopted: from the date of passing the first bill on local government, to the comprehensive description of the municipal and provincial elections held in 2011, 2015, 2019. The electoral system for Norwegian local government allows all social groups and local electoral committees to be represented in local government. This is proved by: the ability to ‘create’ their own electoral registers by (...)
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  7. Sorting Out Ethics.R. M. Hare - 1997 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    This book is divided into three parts: in Part I, R. M. Hare offers a justification for the use of philosophy of language in the treatment of moral questions, together with an overview of his moral philosophy of ‘universal prescriptivism’. The second part, and the core of the book, consists of five chapters originally presented as a lecture series under the title ‘A Taxonomy of Ethical Theories’. Hare identifies descriptivism and non‐descriptivism as the two main positions in modern moral philosophy. (...)
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  8. How to Argue about Practical Reason.R. Jay Wallace - 1990 - Mind 99 (395):355-385.
    How to Argue about . Bibliographic Info. Citation. How to Argue about ; Author(s): R. Jay Wallace; Source: Mind , New Series, Vol.
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  9. Reconciling Conceptual Confusions in the Le Monde Debate on Conspiracy Theories, J.C.M. Duetz and M R. X. Dentith.Julia Duetz & M. R. X. Dentith - 2022 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 10 (11):40-50.
    This reply to an ongoing debate between conspiracy theory researchers from different disciplines exposes the conceptual confusions that underlie some of the disagreements in conspiracy theory research. Reconciling these conceptual confusions is important because conspiracy theories are a multidisciplinary topic and a profound understanding of them requires integrative insights from different fields. Specifically, we distinguish research focussing on conspiracy *theories* (and theorizing) from research of conspiracy *belief* (and mindset, theorists) and explain how particularism with regards to conspiracy theories does not (...)
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  10. Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos.R. S. Cohen, P. K. Feyerabend & M. Wartofsky (eds.) - 1976 - Reidel.
    The death of Imre Lakatos on February 2, 1974 was a personal and philosophical loss to the worldwide circle of his friends, colleagues and students. This volume reflects the range of his interests in mathematics, logic, politics and especially in the history and methodology of the sciences. Indeed, Lakatos was a man in search of rationality in all of its forms. He thought he had found it in the historical development of scientific knowledge, yet he also saw rationality endangered everywhere. (...)
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    Plato's Parmenides.R. E. Allen - 1997 - Duke University Press.
    In this book, R.E. Allen provides a translation of the 'Parmenides' along with a structural analysis that procedes on the assumption that formal elements, logical and dramatic, are important to its interpretation and that the argument of the Parmenides is aporetic, a statement of metaphysical perplexities.
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    The Ancient Concept of Progress: And Other Essays on Greek Literature and Belief.E. R. Dodds - 1973 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    This provocative collection of essays written by the influential Greek scholar E. R. Dodds between 1929 and 1971. represents the wide range of his literary and philosophical interests. Insightful and learned, the essays combine profound scholarship with the lucid humanity of a teacher awareof the special value of Greek studies in the modern world.
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  13. The history of quantum mechanics as a decisive argument favoring Einstein over lorentz.R. M. Nugayev - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (1):44-63.
    PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE, vol. 52, number 1, pp.44-63. R.M. Nugayev, Kazan State |University, USSR. -/- THE HISTORY OF QUANTUM THEORY AS A DECISIVE ARGUMENT FAVORING EINSTEIN OVER LJRENTZ. -/- Abstract. Einstein’s papers on relativity, quantum theory and statistical mechanics were all part of a single research programme ; the aim was to unify mechanics and electrodynamics. It was this broader program – which eventually split into relativistic physics and quantummmechanics – that superseded Lorentz’s theory. The argument of this paper is (...)
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    The emergence of creativity.R. Keith Sawyer - 1999 - Philosophical Psychology 12 (4):447 – 469.
    This paper is an extended exploration of Mead's phrase the emergence of the novel. I describe and characterize emergent systems-complex dynamical systems that display behavior that cannot be predicted from a full and complete description of the component units of the system. Emergence has become an influential concept in contemporary cognitive science [A. Clark Being there, Cambridge: MIT Press], complexity theory [W. Bechtel & R.C. Richardson Discovering complexity, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press], artificial life [R.A. Brooks & P. Maes Artificial (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Representation: Précis By J.R.G. Williams.J. R. G. Williams - 2021 - Analysis 81 (3):499-501.
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    The Akashic Field and Archetypal Occupations: Transforming Human Potential Through Doing and Being.Mick Collins - 2011 - World Futures 67 (7):453 - 479.
    The global crisis is heralding change within collective consciousness and humanity will be challenged to transform behaviors to co-create a sustainable future. Ervin Laszlo's Akashic Field could inspire such an archetypal shift, as exemplified in C.G. Jung's individuation process. Jung's encounters with the archetypes from the collective unconscious led him to connect deeply with Akashic experiences, which resulted in him expressing his human potential through renewed ways of doing and being. Humanity has an opportunity to develop and integrate transpersonal consciousness (...)
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    Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict.Cass R. Sunstein (ed.) - 1996 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The most glamorous and even glorious moments in a legal system come when a high court recognizes an abstract principle involving, for example, human liberty or equality. Indeed, Americans, and not a few non-Americans, have been greatly stirred--and divided--by the opinions of the Supreme Court, especially in the area of race relations, where the Court has tried to revolutionize American society. But these stirring decisions are aberrations, says Cass R. Sunstein, and perhaps thankfully so. In Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict, (...)
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    From restricted to full omniscience: ALEXANDER R. PRUSS.Alexander R. Pruss - 2011 - Religious Studies 47 (2):257-264.
    Some, notably Peter van Inwagen, in order to avoid problems with free will and omniscience, replace the condition that an omniscient being knows all true propositions with a version of the apparently weaker condition that an omniscient being knows all knowable true propositions. I shall show that the apparently weaker condition, when conjoined with uncontroversial claims and the logical closure of an omniscient being's knowledge, still yields the claim that an omniscient being knows all true propositions.
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    “Dünya Müminin Zindanı, K'firin Cennetidir” Rivayetinin Analizi ve Metaforik Bir Yorum Denemesi.Furkan Çakır - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):60-80.
    Bu araştırma Hz. Peygamber’e izafe edilen “Dünya müminin zindanı, kâfirin cennetidir” rivayetini konu edinmektedir. Zikri geçen hadisle ilgili literatür taraması yapıldığında müstakil bir araştırmaya rastlanmamaktadır. Esasında ilim geleneğimizde tek bir hadisi bütün yönleriyle inceleyen pek çok araştırma vardır. Ancak söz konusu haberin müsellem ve mesajı açık kabul edilmesi hem Arap hem de Batı araştırmalarına konu edilmemesinin gerekçesi olabilir. İlgili rivayetin temel hadis kaynaklarında muhtelif metinlerle, beş ayrı sahâbîden aktarıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmamızda sözü edilen metin ve senedler ayrı ayrı incelenerek rivayetin (...)
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    The genesis and structure of models in the modern theory of gravity.R. M. Nugayev - 1987 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2 (1):84 – 104.
    INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Vol. 2, number 1, Autumn 1987, pp. 84-104. R.M. Nugayev. The genesis and structure of models in the modern theory of gravity. Abstract. The analysis of theory-choice problem in modern theory of gravity necessitates consideration of the genesis and the structure of the systems of gravitational abstract objects. My approach to physical theory structure uses and develops the ideas of V.S.Stepin. The basic equations of general relativity - Einstein’s equations – are shown to (...)
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  21.  28
    Explicit Knowledge of Personal Style: Reply to R. H. Levine.E. Rosser & R. Harré - 1977 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 7 (2):249-252.
  22. The Absolute Good and the Human Goods.R. Ferber - 2003 - Philosophical Inquiry 25 (3-4):117-126.
    By the absolute Good, I understand the Idea of the Good; by the human goods, I understand pleasure and reason, which have been disqualified in Plato's "Republic" as candidates for the absolute Good (cf.R.505b-d). Concerning the Idea of the Good, we can distinguish a maximal and a minimal interpretation. After the minimal interpretation, the Idea of the Good is the absolute Good because there is no final cause beyond the Idea of the Good. After the maximal interpretation, the Idea of (...)
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    Some Remarks about Social Ontology and Law: An Interview with John R. Searle.Angela Condello & John R. Searle - 2017 - Ratio Juris 30 (2):226-231.
  24.  13
    Sözde-Aristoteles’in Risâletü’t- Tüffâha’sı: Tarihçesi ve Muhtemel Yazarına İlişkin Açıklamalar ile İçeriğine Genel Bir Bakışla Birlikte Tahkikli Neşri.Muhammed Burak Bakır - 2024 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 10 (1):123-203.
    Bu makale, Sözde-Aristoteles’in Risâletü’t-Tüffâha veya Kitâbü’t-Tüffâha’sını (Lat. Liber de Pomo) tarihçesi, muh- temel yazarı ve yazmaları itibarıyla incelemekte, içeriği hakkında genel bir bakış sunmakta ve daha önce tahkikli neşri yapılmamış olan Arapça tam versiyonunun tahkikli neşrini içermektedir. Tahkikte, risalenin orijinal Arapça versiyonuna en yakın yazma nüshası esas alınmış ve ikinci bir tam nüsha ile karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. Makalede Risâletü’t-Tüffâha’nın ilk olarak Kindî-çevresinde Arapça telif edildiği, ardından Bâtınî-İsmâilî ve Hermetik gelenek- lerde alımlandığı ve hikemiyât literatüründe ve tabakat eserlerinde dolaşıma girdiği öne sürülmektedir. (...)
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    Professional values, cultural competence, and moral sensitivity of surgical nurses: Mediation analysis and structural equation modeling.Didem Kandemi̇r & Serpil Yüksel - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Developing a framework that illustrates causal relationships and an in-depth comprehension of contextual elements is essential for steering the development of ethical interventions to enhance nurses’ ethical decision-making. Research aim To examine the relationship between cultural competence, professional nursing values, and moral sensitivities of surgical nurses with a mediation analysis and structural equation model. Research design This study is descriptive and correlational. Participants and research context: This study was conducted with a total of 201 surgical nurses from two university (...)
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    Reforming a Theology of Gender: Constructive Reflections on Judith Butler and Queer Theory, by Daniel R. Patterson.Mark R. Ryan - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 44 (1):199-200.
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    God, Nature and the Cause: Essays in Islam and Science.Ahmet Mekin Kandemi̇r - 2017 - Kader 15 (3):753-759.
    Bu yazıda, Ürdün/Yermük Üniversitesi Fizik Bölümü öğretim üyesi Prof. Dr. M. Bâsil et-Tâî 'nin " God, Nature and the Cause: Essays in Islam and Science" isimli eseri tanıtılmıştır. Eser, Kalam Research&Media tarafından 2016 yılında ABD'de yayınlanmış olup, 224 sayfadır.
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    Dijital Platformlarda İsl'mî İmgeler (Kalifat Dizisi Örneği).Furkan Çakır - 2022 - Atebe 7:1-13.
    Bireysel düşüncelerini başkalarına aktarma ve hatta empoze etme düşüncesi insanlık tarihi kadar eskidir. Nitekim ilâhî kitabımız, ilk insanların şeytanın söylediği sözlerden etkilenerek kandırıldığını ifade etmiştir. Hz. Peygamber’in insanları doğru yola sevk etmek için tebliğ ettiği ve bu vazifeyi yerine getirmekle görevlendirildiği bilinen bir gerçektir. Asıl itibarıyla insanın olduğu her yerde bu durumun gerçekleşmesi gayet tabiîdir. Fakat tarih boyunca özellikle kültürel ve teknolojik sahadaki ilerlemeler sözü edilen faaliyetlerde kullanılan araçları değiştirmiştir. Örneğin; yazı malzemesinin temininin kolaylaşması ve matbaa alanında gelişmeler yaşanmasıyla fikirler (...)
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    Believing in a Fiction: Wallace Stevens at the Limits of Phenomenology.R. D. Ackerman - 1979 - Philosophy and Literature 3 (1):79-90.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:R. D. Ackerman BELIEVING IN A FICTION: WALLACE STEVENS AT THE LIMITS OF PHENOMENOLOGY The "ring of men" of "Sunday Morning" will chant their "devotion to the sun, / Not as a god, but as a god might be, / Naked among them, like a savage source" (CP, pp. 69-70).' Solar nakedness is deferred even as it is named. The problem for belief is the question of appearance and (...)
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    Yahy' b. Ziy'd el-Ferr'’nın “Ma‘'ni’l-Kur’'n” Adlı Eserinde Dil-Kültür İlişkisi.Rıfat Akbaş - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (2):1299-1328.
    İslâm coğrafyasının genişlemesi neticesinde Arap olmayan toplulukların İslâm dini ile tanışmaları beraberinde bir takım problemleri de getirmiştir. Bu problemler arasında, Kur’ân’ın yanlış anlaşılma endişesi en başı çekmektedir. Arapçaya hâkim olmamaktan kaynaklanan dil hatalarının âyetlere kadar sirayet ettiğini gösteren birçok rivayetin varlığı da bunu teyit etmektedir. Bundan dolayı hicrî birinci yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren dil ile ilgili faaliyetler aralıksız bir şekilde devam etmiştir. Bu faaliyetler arasında, Kur’ân’ın üslûbunu, âyetlerde yer alan kelimelerin delâleti ve sesletimini, cümlelerin iç bütünlüğü ile filolojik tahlillerini ele (...)
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    The Necessity of God: Ontological Claims Revisited.R. T. Allen - 2008 - Routledge.
    Every person acquires a worldview, a picture of reality. Within that picture, the existence of some things will be taken wholly for granted as the background to, and support of, everything else. Their existence will rarely be questioned. The cosmos or universe, the gods, God, Brahman, Heaven, the Absolute--R. T. Allen claims that all these and other world- views have been held to be that which necessarily exists and upon which all other beings depend in one way or another. European (...)
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    Plato for the Modem Age. By R. S. Brumbaugh. (Crowell-Collier Press. 1962. Pp. 256. Price 30s.).A. R. Lacey - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (153):249-.
  33. Hādhihi al-Ḥāshiyah al-kubrá lil-ʻAllāmah Shaykh al-Islām al-Shaykh Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār ʻalá maqūlāt al-Sayyid al-Bulaydī wa-ḥāshyatahu al-kubrá wa-al-ṣughrá ʻalá sharḥ maqūlāt al-ʻAllāmah al-Sujāʻī.Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad ʻAṭṭār - 1910 - [Cairo]: al-Maṭbaʻah al-Khayrīyah. Edited by Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī.
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    A propos de la communication de M. R. Bayer.R. De Bengy Puyvalleé - 1948 - Dialectica 2 (2):209-210.
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  35. Ethics and science: Educating the public.R. Brownhill & L. Merricks - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (1):43-57.
    This article looks at the public debate which took place in the first half of the twentieth century and has repercussions to the present day. It was about the ethical stance of scientists, and how science should be organized. In particular, it examines the positions taken by Professor F. Soddy, F.R.S. and Nobel Laureate, who stressed the responsibility of scientists for the uses made of their research, Professor Michael Polanyi, F.R.S., who emphasised the obligation of scientists to the truth and (...)
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    Qirāʼāt fī al-fikr al-naqdī li-madrasat Frankfūrt: Māks Hūrkʹhāymir, Hirbirt Mārkūz, Thiyūdūr Adūrnū, Filtir Binyamīn, Iksil Hūnīth.Kamāl Bū Munīr - 2012 - al-Abyār, al-Jazāʼir: Muʼassasat Kunūz al-Ḥikmah.
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    (1 other version)On the Number of Solovay r‐Degrees.Douglas R. Busch - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):283-286.
  38. Základy logiky pro novináře: [urćeno pro posl. fak. žurnalistiky].Vladimír Čechák - 1975 - Praha: SPN.
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    The Factual Reference of Theological Assertions: PAUL R. CLIFFORD.Paul R. Clifford - 1967 - Religious Studies 3 (1):339-346.
    Professor Kai Nielsen is one of the most forceful proponents of the view that theological assertions have no factual reference because they are compatible with any empirical state of affairs; no evidence, it is alleged, is allowed to count as falsification of such assertions, and therefore they spuriously purport to be what they are not. In this he follows the well-known essay by Professor Antony Flew in which the same argument was advanced, and Nielsen's own most recent contribution on the (...)
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  40. Reassessing Collingwood.R. G. Collingwood - 1990 - Wesleyan University.
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  41. (1 other version)Ethics and decision making in counseling and psychotherapy.R. Rocco Cottone - 2016 - New York,: Springer Publishing Company. Edited by Vilia M. Tarvydas.
    Introduction to ethical issues and decision-making in counseling and psychotherapy -- The mental health professions and counseling specialties -- Value issues in counseling and psychotherapy -- Ethical decision-making processes -- Introduction to ethical principles in counseling and psychotherapy -- Introduction to ethical standards in counseling and psychotherapy -- Privacy, confidentiality, and privileged communication -- Informed consent -- Roles and relationships with clients -- Professional responsibility -- Counselor competency -- Ethical climate -- Office and administrative practices -- Technology in the practice (...)
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    L'analyse du langage et les jugements moraux dans l'œuvre de R. M. Hare.Albert R. Dilanni - 1967 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 65 (87):281-331.
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    Georg Lukács By G. H. R. Parkinson London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, viii + 205 pp., £5.95.D. R. Midgley - 1987 - Philosophy 62 (239):115-.
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    Plotinus. By the Very Rev W. R. Inge C.V.O., F.B.A., (London: Humphrey Milford. 1929. Pp. 27. Price 1s. 6d.).E. R. Dodds - 1929 - Philosophy 4 (15):406.
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    Wāṣil Ibn ʿAṭāʾ als Prediger und Theologe: Ein neuer Text aus dem 8. Jahrhundert n. ChrWasil Ibn Ata als Prediger und Theologe: Ein neuer Text aus dem 8. Jahrhundert n. Chr.Hans Daiber (ed.) - 1988 - Leiden: Brill.
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    Reliability, Reasons, and Belief Contexts.R. Bruce Freed - 1988 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 18 (4):681 - 696.
    Here’s a problem that any reliability theory must face, whether it’s one that holds that beliefs are justified just when they’re products of belief-forming mechanisms with the potential of having good records of yielding true beliefs, or one that holds that a belief meets the standards for knowledge if and only if its causal basis rules out any relevant chance of mistake. The problem is made evident when cast in probabilistic terms. Let r be S’s reason for tokening the true (...)
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    Kristendommens fornuft: Niels Grønkjær 60 år.Niels Grønkjær, Birgitte Stoklund Larsen & Peter Aaboe Sørensen (eds.) - 2015 - København: Forlaget Anis.
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    The Significance of Neoplatonism.R. Baine Harris (ed.) - 1976 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    A Brief Description of Neoplatonism R. Baine Harris Old Dominion University There are essentially three ways in which Neoplatonism may be considered to be ...
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  49. Borden Parker Bowne and F. R. Tennant.Paul R. Helsel - 1955 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 36 (1):47.
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    Infinite nature.R. Bruce Hull (ed.) - 2006 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    You would be hard-pressed to find someone who categorically opposes protecting the environment, yet most people would agree that the environmentalist movement has been ineffectual and even misguided. Some argue that its agenda is misplaced, oppressive, and misanthropic—a precursor to intrusive government, regulatory bungles, and economic stagnation. Others point out that its alarmist rhetoric and preservationist solutions are outdated and insufficient to the task of galvanizing support for true reform. In this impassioned and judicious work, R. Bruce Hull argues that (...)
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